Bobby Belarmino, PT, DPT, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the UT Health San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas. He has a board certification for cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. He has been an active member of APTA since 1996.
Currently, he serves as a member of the Research Committees for the Academy of Acute Care PT and Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary PT. He is a reviewer for the Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy. Recently, Bobby has been appointed as the Online Education Chair Committee of the APTA Acute Care Academy.
Bobby has been a physical therapist for 30 years plus. During these years, he has practiced across the spectrum of care settings focusing in cardiovascular and pulmonary specialty practice. However, majority of his clinical practice years have been in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/Acute Care settings.
He received his bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy at Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation in the Philippines and his master’s degree in Applied Physiology at Columbia University in New York. He completed his Doctor of Physical Therapy at MGH Institute of Health Professions at Boston, Massachusetts, and completed his PhD in Physical Therapy at Texas Woman’s University in Houston, Texas.
His research interests are as follows: critical care simulation; ICU rehabilitation; reducing hospital readmission in the cardiovascular and pulmonary populations; and improving frailty in elderly population through rehabilitation interventions.