Season 11

Jan. 6, 2023

117: 2022 Review

Here's a video podcast on a quick look back to 2022. Last year has seen some firsts for the podcast - round table discussions, collaborations, solo episodes, and live episodes. Thanks to everyone who continues on supporting ...

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Dec. 29, 2022

116: Recap on Unique Perspectives from the Other Side

Here's a recap for you with some highlights of their episodes. If you haven't seen or listened to these episodes yet, this is your sign to do so. Eleazar Tayag started us off with the roles physical therapists play in hospice...

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Dec. 13, 2022

115: Impact of Dementia to Patients and Caregivers with Riza Carlton

Riza Carlton, PT experienced a reversible type of dementia in 2019. Today, she speaks about her experience and how it made an impact on her life. In this episode, she described her ordeal in going through early signs of demen...

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Dec. 5, 2022

114: Primary Care PT: Place or Mindset?

This episode was recorded live. Here I shared a discussion I've had with some other PTs in a course I am attending about Primary Care Physical Therapy. The take-home message here is that being a primary care physical therapis...

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Nov. 30, 2022

113: Motivating the Demotivated and Unmotivated with Marvin Zotomayor

This episode was recorded during the PT MEAL Podcast Live! I invited Asst. Prof. Marvin Zotomayor back on the show to talk about motivation and the lack of it in higher education and in life. Here, Marvin talked about how unm...

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Nov. 19, 2022

112: Brain Tumor Survivor to Advocate with Eric Anthony Galvez

What happens when a PT becomes a patient after finding out he has a golf ball-sized brain tumor? In this episode Eric Anthony Galvez, DPT shared his story of diagnosis and rehabilitation from his brain tumor surgery. He talke...

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Nov. 16, 2022

111: Migration Horror Stories | PT MEAL Live! Handaan

In this Halloween edition of PT MEAL LIVE! Handaan, we shared "horror" stories we've heard or experienced about migrating to the US. It's not always rainbows and butterflies as most people assume. Hopefully, with this discuss...

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Oct. 29, 2022

110: Hospice care and Physical Therapy with Eleazar Tayag

Catch this episode with Eleazar Tayag, PT, DPT, MPH to learn more about hospice care and what services physical therapists can provide in this setting. It's clear that hospice care mainly provides comfort care. but there are ...

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