Feb. 11, 2021

Ep. 56: Cardiac Rehabilitation with Arthur King

Ep. 56: Cardiac Rehabilitation with Arthur King
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Ep. 56: Cardiac Rehabilitation with Arthur King

You're back to PT MEAL: Physical Therapy podcast. This is Episode 56. Just in time for the Valentine's weekend, we are going to talk about the heart. Today, we are going to talk about Cardiac rehabilitation. My guest is Arthur Bhenedict King, PTRP, an alumnus of the University of Santo Tomas, a member of the Philippine Physical Therapy Association Board of Director, a cardiac rehabilitation PT, and the Chief Physical Therapist of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the Philippine Heart Center. 

In our conversation, we discussed what cardiac rehabilitation, phases of cardiac rehabilitation, common conditions seen in cardiac rehab, and challenges and lessons he learned and passed on to his students. So taralets!